Sunday, January 16, 2011

Time to take a breath

It’s a lovely Sunday evening. I’ve got a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove, Top Gear America on TV and two wiener dogs curled up by my feet on the couch. It’s a nice breather from the crazy week that it has been. This is what I love about Sunday evenings. Just quiet relaxation before the storm otherwise known as the week begins.

After finishing my first week of work I can honestly say that I really like what I do. It’s not the most exciting and glamorous thing in the world but I enjoy it. Really that’s all that matters. Now it is just a matter of learning all that I need to know, at least with this job this job there isn’t as much pressure to be the perfect paralegal. It means that I have the confidence and because of that I can become a better paralegal.

So amongst all that job stuff my social calendar filled up to the brim this week. Tuesday night we went to our first Herpetology Association meeting. Ryan and I really like it. They have what you would expect, a show and tell of reptiles, talk of current issues and trends going on in the world of lizards plus community outreach such as pet expos, does work with children with down syndrome and kids terminally ill with cancer. Ryan is very excited that I am getting much more interested in reptiles; it’s turning into a nice couple’s hobby. We’re also preparing to adopt a new reptile or two. They are truly interesting creatures.

The highlight of the week though was camping at Irvine Lake; it’s a pretty piece of California countryside just outside the city limits. The lake is an easy quick getaway. Besides winds so strong that in the middle of the night I thought I was going to get picked up and carted off to OZ, the weekend was a lovely time with friends celebrating Angel’s birthday. High winds aside, there was a lot laughter, love and fun. The dogs got to come with us and have been asleep ever since we got back. It’s nice to be able to include our dogs in our busy schedules.

It’s not going to be as busy as it was last week however; I will be able to keep myself busy between work, life and everything in between. I’ve started knitting a new project, some Steampunk gloves to go with my outfit. I’m happy that I can incorporate my knitting into my Steampunk outfits.

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