Sunday, August 12, 2012

Am I addicted to being busy??

It has been crazy busy over the last month or so (has it really been that long?). I unfortunately wasn’t able to follow up like I wanted to about the food stamp challenge. I hope to do it again with my committee at slowfood amongst other things.

What have I been doing with myself in the last month? Well it has been quite a bit of a blur. With the exception of a minor sinus infection detour I have been quite busy. As I told Becky I think I am addicted to being busy, either that or I have a very refined form of ADD.

So anyway, what have I been doing….well for one I have been on planning committees for two events in one month. One for the OCPA, on September 8th and another on September 23rd for Slow Food.  For the record, event planning, not all fun and games but when the event happens it is very rewarding. I am pretty excited about our Slow Food Barbeque for more information go check out our Slow Food Calendar of events.

Just a few weeks ago I got to work for the first time with OC Food Coalition. The organization is really unique. Basically, a property owner that has extra crops, produce, etc growing on their property calls OC Food Coalition, which comes out with a team of volunteers to pick the produce. The produce is then donated to a local food distribution center. Slow Food teamed up with the group for a very successful harvest: 1 ton of Oranges and 10 lbs of Cherry tomatoes (not including the ones that ended up getting smooshed on my jeans…) I actually look forward to working more with this group more in the coming year. 

But the biggest thing that has happened was putting the down payment on our trip to Peru.  Just a few months before we are hiking our way to Macchu Picchu. I am very excited, and just a little nervous.

I may not have ADD, but I can certainly say I am happiest when I am busy. And I might as well channel all of that energy into something positive!

With the recent heat wave I’ve decided it was a good idea to try some vegan raw recipes. I just had this lovely Watermelon Peach Salad for dinner.

The Native Star And I will leave you with this fun summer read that I highly recommend.: