Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Make Tile Coasters

A few weeks ago I made some coasters with my sister, since a number of people showed interest I thought I would post the incredibly simple directions on how to make them.
1     Here are the materials you will need. For the stamp ink use permanent ink, I prefer stay on brand. The other materials shown here are just your basic stamps and cork board (which can be bought by the roll at a craft store).  The tile, I like to use a pour-us tile which can be picked up at any Home Depot or Lowes.

2.       So the next step is to use your inked stamp on the tile. It only takes a few moments to dry.  So while it’s drying you can cut the cork board squares to fit your tile and then stick them to the bottom of the tile.

It really is that easy! These coasters are very effective and sturdy. 

I have been feeling very artistic lately, in the coming 
weeks I will have some more projects posted. Including the center pieces that I am working on for the Slow Food Barbeque.  I discovered the ultimate Geek Girl knitting book and have begun a super cute sweater vest and have plans to start making some great fingerless gloves. 

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