Monday, January 3, 2011

In which I explore my love of research and other things

I took a small break from the job hunt last week to spend time with my family. My father in law had some surgery done so my husband and I joined our family in San Diego to support him. Though I wish it was under better circumstances it was nice spending time with everyone. It’s unfortunate that sometimes it takes serious events to bring everyone together but it is good to enjoy it while you can.

So my Pre-New Year holiday was a bit on the busy side. I got home from San Diego, napped and then took off for an interview. I think the interview went well and the location really can’t be beat. In all honesty if I get the job I will be happy but if it doesn’t come through, I’ll have some great interview practice. The New Year holiday ended up being all about with time spent mainly knitting and reading. Now that the holiday is over it’s time to get back into the swing of things, applying for more jobs and actually taking down my Christmas decorations.

Last night as I elaborated the results of my webmd research on how to avoid complications to my cold my husband looked at me and said “you have got to get a job as a research paralegal.” The truth of the matter is that I am always researching something. It’s a hobby. My latest research project has been my genealogy. Researching my family allows me to connect with history in a personal way. For instance, as I was tracing one line back to 12th century England I had another search browser open so that I could read about historic moments during their lifetime that they lived through. I can’t help but imagine what their lives were like. One ancestor died of small pox during the American Revolution leaving behind a wife and son. His wife subsequently remarried in their home state of Connecticut. However, his son left behind his mother and family and moved to New York. I can’t help but wonder why he would leave everyone behind to start a new life. My husband says that research to me is almost an obsession. Last week at a family dinner someone stated that pizza wasn’t invented by the Italians. The first thing I did when I got back to our room was open up my laptop and research the origins of pizza. I believe that it is as John Keats says “Truth is beauty, beauty is truth.” I suppose that my drive to research is a drive to find the beauty in the world.

Oh, and pizza was invented by the Romans. They used a polenta bread as the crust and topped it with cheese, herbs and pine kernels or sweet dates. The flat bread dish was a favorite amongst the soldiers because they could cook it on their shields in the hot Mediterranean sun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My brother and I have been adding to our family tree on Such a great resource where it will look up other people on the site with matching relatives so that you can add to your tree. Good luck to you, I know you'll find something perfect for you!